Make-Up Air Unit Replacement

Applewood Landmark - Mississauga ON

Peel Condominium Corporation No. 171 c/o Whitehill Residential
Construction Value
  • $600k
Project Scope
  • Make-Up Air Unit (MAU) Replacement

The Challenge

The two Make-Up Air Units (MAUs) at the building reached the end of their service life. The 26-storey condominium building was experiencing intermittent shutdowns and required guidance through the MAU replacement process.

Enter Edison

Edison was retained to manage the design of the removal and replacement of the MAU. We worked with specialty subconsultants to design an air supply system that would meet ventilation demands while incorporating energy conservation measures where possible. The current system uses preheating, a process where recovered heat from the exhaust system is used to heat the incoming supply air. This process reduces the amount of energy consumed by the system.

We also verified the new MUA unit and its components will not overload the roof structure.

Following the design, we tendered the project to qualified contractors, diligently reviewed construction, and provided project management services, including maintaining proactive communication to push construction progress when the contractor’s schedule slipped.

The Payoff

The new MUA system is significantly more efficient and reliable than its predecessor and will have lower operating and maintenance costs for the Corporation.