Boiler Plant, MAU, Booster Pump and Backflow Preventer Replacement

The Compass Condos - Mississauga ON

Peel Condominium Corporation No. 267 c/o Larlyn Property Management
Construction Value
  • $800k
Project Scope
  • Boiler Plant, Make-up Air Unit (MAU), Booster Pump, and Backflow Preventer Replacement

The Challenge

The cooling tower, heating boilers, domestic hot water system, and Make-Up Air Unit (MAU) were at the end of their service life. The Corporation was seeking guidance on replacing these aged building components while considering economic and performance criteria.

Enter Edison

We worked with subconsultants to design the new mechanical systems. The scope of the design included new booster pumps with variable speed drives, new high efficiency heating boilers with associated storage tanks, fluid cooler condenser, water circulation pumps with their associated components, and more energy efficient MAUs.

We developed a comprehensive Bid Documents and Specification package, tendered the project to qualified contractors, and performed technical review and project management for the systems installation.

The Payoff

The replacement of aged building systems will continue to pay off for the Corporation with lower operating and maintenance costs. The building domestic hot water supply upgrades have brought the system up to current building code and are mitigating the risk of bacteria growth in the tanks. New MAU’s will be more energy efficient as they maintain comfortable corridor air temperatures.