As the structural components of a building age, it is crucial to repair deterioration in a timely fashion and proactively address possible causes of premature deterioration. We have developed intensive, process-driven techniques to identify, quantify, and repair deterioration of structural elements – which are often concealed behind exterior cladding or interior finishes. In the case of balconies and parking garages, the structural elements may be exposed however the processes causing deterioration and extent of deterioration are not always evident and require strategic testing to confirm.

Structural Restoration is engineering in its truest form: the application of underlying chemistry, physics, and material science to real world settings, factoring risk, occupant safety, client objectives, and financial constraints. Like all information we provide to our clients, our assessment and pragmatic recommendations we provide will assist you in understanding potential risks and in planning repairs.

Whether completing a structural renovation or new addition to your building, it is important that you understand your options. At Edison, we are committed to working alongside our clients by listening and understanding their needs and providing a variety of pragmatic design solutions. We will apply our common-sense approach and problem solving skills, combined with innovative and practical analysis techniques to optimize our designs.